Eat Travel Bird

About Me

Welcome to Eat Travel Bird!

Eat?  Travel?  Bird??  Yes, that’s right!

Travel has been a passion, an inspiration, and an aspiration of mine since I was a kid.  I think back to an early family vacation to Disneyland.  Of course I loved the rides and the costumed characters, but I also vividly remember the palm trees, glimpses of the Pacific Ocean, and the orange groves growing in the foothills (now mostly gone, sadly).  It all looked and felt so alien and exotic compared to Utah (where I grew up).  It was my first inkling of the big, wide, diverse, fascinating world we live in, and that feeling of new discovery has stuck with me to this day.

I think most would agree that food and travel go hand in hand rather nicely.  Whether it’s a quick stop at a quirky food truck in Austin, or a lingering, multi-course, gastronomic experience in Paris, food can be such a memorable (and pleasurable) backdrop to our travel adventures.  It’s also an important backdrop to our daily lives…

The “Bird” part of the equation is probably a bit more offbeat.  I’ve always loved animals, wildlife observation, and nature in general.  A few years ago, I became really interested in birding (bird watching).  Any birder knows what an addictive hobby it can be!  Birds offer such a wealth of variety in size, shape, sound, color, habitat and behavior.  And they’re everywhere!  Many of my weekends are spent slogging around local parks and refuges looking for as many different species as I can find.  It’s a great way to recharge my battery and escape the hectic routine of work and other weekly obligations.

The birding interest tends to spill over into my travel plans these days.  It’s almost always possible to find a park, natural area, or quiet residential neighborhood where birds will be.  My family and friends can appreciate my interest in birds, even if they don’t necessarily share my zeal.  They are kind enough to indulge me a little when we travel together, and I always tell them that they can pretend they don’t know me when I pull the binoculars out. 😉

So there you have it.  Eat. Travel. Bird.  Three of my very favorite things to do in life.  You’re welcome to tag along…
