Eat Travel Bird


Panama Day 4: Hiking the Plantation Trail and a Visit to the Zoo
Panama Day 4: Hiking the Plantation Trail and a Visit to the Zoo

Panama Day 4: Hiking the Plantation Trail and a Visit to the Zoo

Our focus shifted from history back to birds today.  We started our morning on the Canopy Tower’s observation deck where we were joined by a Black-cheeked Woodpecker, a rare (for that time of year) Eastern Wood-Pewee, and a male howler…

Panama Day 2: Birding Semaphore Hill and the Ponds (Summit and Ammo Dump)
Panama Day 2: Birding Semaphore Hill and the Ponds (Summit and Ammo Dump)

Panama Day 2: Birding Semaphore Hill and the Ponds (Summit and Ammo Dump)

Our first morning at the Canopy Tower started out overcast and slightly drizzly.  We couldn’t go up on the rooftop observation deck in the rain, so everyone clustered around the large windows in the dining area.  The birds were scarce…